

开工啦,小伙伴们!新的一年,我们要像“超级英雄”一样,勇敢地面对各种挑战,用我们的智慧和汗水,把标签做得漂漂亮亮,让客户满意得“飞起”,让业绩“蹭蹭”往上涨,让钱包“鼓鼓”的,一起开启幸福美好的新一年吧!labelc@gmail.com>  /danielxu@hlabel.com;

In the new year, we need to be like “superheroes,” bravely facing all kinds of challenges. With our wisdom and hard work, we will make our labels look fantastic, delight our customers so much that they are over the moon, boost our performance with rapid growth, and fill our wallets to the brim. Let's all work together to start this happy and wonderful new year!