

近期,我司给UNITED KINGDOM上市公司生产了一批彩色局部双层标签:局部双层不干胶标签的标签面材可以采用珠光膜不干胶材料或合成纸不干胶材料,经过材料复合和除胶处理等一系列印刷工序。剥离时不会撕烂,而且不留痕迹,可以重复剥离使用,局部双层彩色标广泛应用于日化类、食品类,药品类,电子产品类及家居日用品等领域;


Recently, our company has produced a batch of color partial double-layer labels for UNITED KINGDOM listed companies: the label surface material of local double-layer self-adhesive labels can be made of pearlescent film self-adhesive materials or synthetic paper self-adhesive materials, and a series of printing processes such as material compounding and degumming treatment have been undertaken. It will not tear when peeling, and does not leave traces, it can be peeled off and used repeatedly, and the local double-layer color label is widely used in daily chemicals, food, medicine, electronic products and household products and other fields;

Local double-layer self-adhesive label because of its unique structure and design, can provide more product information, in as little label space as possible, while having a high anti-counterfeiting performance and publicity effect, the following is attached some color double-layer label pictures for reference, if you have any questions or comments, you can contact us at any time, thank you!